Everyone those are using internet always wants to make their computer safe & fresh. & to keep computer safe it is the best if you reject cookies.
There are some ways, which help you to reject cookies, you receive.If you follow the following procedures youcan reject cokies easily.
Yes it is very easy & simple. Just try it.
1. Adjust your browser settings :-
a) If you are using internet explorer use it-
i) At first, choose tools option from internet explorer menu bar.
ii) After clicking the tool option you click on the Internet options.
iii) In Internet option you click on the Privacy tab.
iv) Next click on Customer Level.
v) Here you have to click on 'Advanced' button.
vi) Check the 'override automatic cookie handing' box & select Accept, Block or prompt for action as appropriate.
b) If you are using Firefox use it -
i) Choose tools option.
ii) Next choose option.
iii) Here you click on Privacy icon.
iv) Click on Cookies tab & choose what you want.
c) If you using Opera 7.0 use it -
i) At first choose File, then
ii) Choose preferences.
iii) & then Privacy & choose block.
d) If you using Opera 8.0 or later use it -
i) Here you choose tools.
ii) Then preferences.
iii) Click on Advanced button.
iv) Click on cookies.
v) Select on or off.
e) If you using Netscape browser use it -
i) At first choose Edit, then
ii) Click on Preferences.
iii) Here u choose Advanced option.
iv) & then click on cookies.
v) Choose on or off.
It is very simple. If any problem of this matter contact me.